Thursday, June 29, 2006

Been gone a while

This is the longest I have gone without posting anything. Don't be too disappointed. The good news is that about 21 people per day view this blog. That's pretty good for a baby blog. Mike has been out of town so I have been a little un-busy. I realized how much of a busybody I am and that I need to be doing something all the time. I cannot just stand to sit here!!
Late Nite was good last night. Steve did a great job talking about God using the unthinkable. That dude is straight hilarious. We were all laughing our buns off. Oh, and props to Steve for giving me and my man a shout-out for our birthdays. That was super cool.
A brief side note, my teeth hurt really bad! I have been using professional whitening stuff and they have constant pain in them! Stop using them, you say? I can't! I am addicted to having whiter teeth! My bridal portraits are in less than two months and I need gleaming pearly whites!
Oh, and if you didn't get the chance to tell my baby happy birthday, you should do that soon. His birthday was yesterday. He's a real man now :)

So, on the spiritual side of things, I want to share a testimony from Pathfinders summer camp. There's a girl (who I LOVE) who has been struggling with an eating disorder since she can even remember. At camp, God gave her a vision and spoke so clearly to her. The outcome is that she has been healed of that bondage and God reigns supreme Lord of her life!! This is a huge thing for a girl who struggles with eating to overcome. She said the morning after that service she was able to sit down and have a real meal and not feel guilty about it and want to throw up. I am so very proud of her and SO fired up about all the awesome testimonies coming home from camp. People may not believe in God or in His power, but you cannot argue with a personal story like this one and so many others!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Gered Lambert said...

Happy Birthday Chris and Meghan (late)! Ya'll are on our list too. Thanks!