Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Remembering the Victims

I want to take a moment to remember what happened a year ago yesterday. I know that it would be impossible to forget, but I think too many people have swept it under the rug. Though most of Louisiana's problems came from bad politicians and a bad levee, the stories are real, thousands of people died, and those who were affected still deserve our prayers. I went to the New Orleans Airport a year ago to help organize and work with the relief there, and those days of my life are permanently etched in my memory. Just thinking about the people I met and the stories I heard still makes me cry everytime. It's easy for us to say they could have gotten out, but many couldn't. Many didn't have TVs and didn't hear til it was too late to get out. Many tried to get transportation but couldn't. It's easy for us to judge, but it's not so easy to have compassion. Jesus had compassion on everyone, and isn't our goal to be just like Him? Anyway, please take a minute and pray for those still hurting and helpless a year later. And let's continue to praise God for the members of His body who have come to their rescue.

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