Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Strep throat is of the devil

So, this weekend my hubby gave me an amazing present. It was huge and pink and worth lots of dollars- STREP THROAT!!! He had it last week, and gave it to me. It was the worst case I have ever had- I get it like once a year. I couldn't even swallow a tiny little Advil! And then the doctor gave me these horse pill antibiotics that were impossible to get down. Chris just got a shot and was better in 24 hours, but I am a wuss so I opted for the pill. Big mistake. I was in bed Sunday through Tuesday. I attempted to do a few things on Monday, but that didn't turn out too well for me. I left Chick Nite before it even started bawling crying because I was in so much pain. I made Chris come home from his life group and take care of me. Then I cried so hard I choked and couldn't breathe. That was fun. I hadn't slept in a week- first because Chric was sick, tossing and turning- and then because I was sick- in pain, unable to swallow my own spit, coughing, and nauseas. Yesterday I was really starting to feel better until I took my medicine. It had me laid out, fatigued, feeling like I was going to throw up for 4 hours, so I decided no more pills. Last night I gave it to God and His healing, and this morning I woke up feeling great. My throat is still sore and I am trying not to talk too much (haha), but God has healed me and I am soooo grateful!

Please pray protection over our team. Terry has been sick today, Kristin's head has been getting bad again, I was sick, Chris was sick, Stacey O. and her kids have been really sick, a virus has been going around the nursery, Angie/Marc/Romaine were all sick last week- the devil's mad at what we're up to, but we will not give him what he wants! We will be victorious!


Gered Lambert said...

Make sure you guys change out your toothbrushes! Virus might hang out there and keep you sick longer.

I'm a loner when I'm sick. I just want to sit in bed and sleep. Brandi likes to be coddled when she's sick. So, we drive each other crazy during sickness cause we do exactly what irritates the other the most!

Ain't marriage grand?

Connie Firmin said...

Ha! What Gered put is so true. I'm the loner; Doug's likes to be showered with attention. God has a big sense of humor!