Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's great to wait...

God has really been speaking to me through my daily devotional and bible readings. (I know, that's kind of the point, eh?) The story of Joseph is killer. If anyone ever had to wait for anything in life, it was him. In periods of waiting, I find myself getting restless, even sometimes thinking God has forgotten about me, or that He won't fill the desires of my heart. What I have been taught the last week or so is that it's in that time of waiting that He is refining me. (And boy... I definitely need to be refined) It's amazing to know that He will lead me through the fire, and I will be brought forth as gold!

It's when it seems like nothing is happening that God is at work most inside of us. All whom God uses greatly are first hidden in the secret of His presence, away from the pride of man. Abraham waited for the birth of Isaac. Moses didn't lead the Exodus until he was eighty. Elijah waited beside the brook. Noah waited 120 years for rain. Paul was hidden away for three years in Arabia. The list doesn't end!

During the waiting period, trust God without panic. It's God's job to deal with the cup-bearers of your past. It's your job to be the kind of servant He has designed you to be. Be faithful during the waiting periods of life. God will not forget you or forsake you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen sister!!!!