So, God rolled me up this morning about my lack of trust in raising funds for Italy. We have trusted Him with so many huge aspects of our lives, why are we not trusting Him with this little thing? First, one of the most amazing women in the world,
Lauren Best, helped me put some things in perspective. Then, I went to read my devotional that I missed yesterday, and it was about a horizontal viewpoint. Jacob had it when his sons left Simeon behind in Egypt. He was supposed to be the patriarch of the clan and instead of rising up in faith and trust in God, he froze in fear and assumed the worst. He was looking horizontally instead of vertically!
It's easy for us to judge him and say we would trust God, but if that's the case, why didn't we trust Him last week? When we think of our most recent test (in my case, Italy), did we rest calmly in Him? Or did we push the panic button out of fear? I think my finger was on the button much too often.
Humanly speaking, we have been programmed toward defeat. We all too often leave God out of the picture. We rationalize around it by calling it something else. I am the Queen of Rational Thinking Land. God has been definitely working in me about this!!! I am starting to really be able to truly, honestly, completely, fully, and with my whole entire heart trust God in things I never thought possible. I know this money will come because He wants His word spread in Europe. I finally have peace. Praise the LORD!!!
(And for the record, my amazing husband has always had peace about this... these things just take me longer. That's why he's the leader of the house!)