Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Vision Night 07

Sunday night we gathered as a church to hear from Pastor Dino about his vision for us in 2007... He also filled us in on some great things that God did through us in '06. I am so honored to be part of such a giving church: over $1 million to missions and outreach, 65,000 meals served by Cooking for Christ, 1300 free medical encounters, a miracle offering of almost $600,000 over and above tithes, 1800 Christmas vouchers given away at $25 dollars each (that's $45, 000!), and most importantly- 1400 recorded salvations!!! Thank you, Jesus, for what you have done!!

2007 is going to be amazing with 2 campuses in D-ville, the BR Dreamcenter, the new campus in Mozambique, almost 15 missions trips, a national women's conference, HPCTV reaching almost 600,000 homes, and Thirty Days of Hope for Cambodia. We are praying that God prepares us to be used in such a powerful way. NONE of this will happen without Him.

I pray that God makes me more passionate, more radical and more bold. Basically, I am going to have to get uncomfortable and step out for Jesus more than ever, but I want to be a "kamikaze Christian", as Mike Haman would say! We are the generation that can change the world for Him, so what are we waiting for?!

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