Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's me, Grace, again

Ok, so I pretty much think God is trying to teach me something. It seems like everywhere I go the word "grace" is brought up. I knew it was something I need to work on- having grace with others- but the signs are getting pretty obvious. As I blogged yesterday, God really gave me a word about His grace being sufficient in my life. I recently became reaquainted with an old friend, who has a child named Grace. Everywhere I go I hear about grace. I think all the time about how much grace people have with me when I act stupid... and this morning the first song at staff meeting was "Your grace is enough." I have told you before that sometimes- well, usually- God has to smack me over the head to get a point across... Once again, consider me "smacked."

Call me out when I don't have grace with you... it's one of my goals for 2007, and I want the accountability.

P.S. I love this church! After one song at staff meeting today, Pastor told us that the TBN lady told him that we were the best church she's ever worked with in the entire country, and we should be the prototype for everyone else. He told her we are the best staff on the planet... then he canceled the meeting and took us to Frank's! I love this place!

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