Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ok Ok, God... I learned my lesson!!!

So, ya know how sometimes God has to pretty much smack you upside the head with a baseball bat before you get the point He's trying to make? Well, consider me smacked. I have been so heavily concentrated on our lack of funds that I almost forgot about my big, huge God who had given me everything I have. Late Nite last week helped me to remember that God is testing us... and this weekend's services made me remember all the blessings we have- test or no test.

Pastor Stovall Weems preached on Sunday, and this weekend just so happened to be the weekend I stage directed, so I got to sit in on all three services. Wanna know what he taught on? THANKFULNESS. (Something I have recently been stinkin' at pretty bad.) It was a very appropriate message for the upcoming holiday- but more than that it was a very relevant message to me. Ps. Stovall reminded me that thankfulness is a choice- MY choice- and it's up to me to remember all the blessings and favor we recieve everyday. He also said that thankfulness builds faith. The more I remind myself of everything God has given me, the easier it will be for me to believe that He will provide in the future as well. His last point was that thankfulness brings wholeness- the fuller I am of gratitude, the fuller I can be of Him. Ps. Stovall really brought the Word and it was such an honor to serve him... and Him.

Then yesterday I got an email from someone who has made an impact on my life, Ms. Andrena. Here's a bit of the great advice she gave me... "LACK" should be banished from all thought no matter what is happening around you. It may be hard to do at first, but it only takes 28 days to form a new habit. By living in the moment, in JOY and appreciation of our blessings, where God always wants you to be, you will feel and be in HIS presence and have nothing to fear. WE, or rather our EGOS, are the ones that make ourselves miserable. "... I don't get to talk to her much, but she reads my blogs and has some serious insight and wisdom for me. Today starts day 1 of the formation of my new habit- THANKFULNESS.

And if those things weren't enough, God sent me to HP Women last night. I don't usually go, but Kim had a little house emergency and needed me to stage direct for her. Early on in the service, one of the girls around me reminded me that I wasn't there on accident. A couple minutes later Ms. Claudia got on stage to do an icebreaker and began talking about--- you guessed it--- THANKFULNESS. I was like, "OK, GOD- I GOT IT!!!" It's really amazing how much reminding I need sometimes.

So, in honor of my new habit, I want to do the cheesy, yet effective Thanksgiving tradition and list some things I am thankful for....
My amazing, beautiful, serving, loving, unselfish, hard-working husband who was SO worth the wait.
My incredible, selfless, giving family who never ceases to amaze me.
My church home where Jesus is shown everyday to thousands of people.
Being on the HPC staff team where I get the opportunity to do what I love every single day of my life.
My friends- my sisters and brothers in Christ- who are always there for me.
My in-laws- God SO hooked me up.
The people who bring wisdom to my life everyday- and help me get smacked!!

Since this entry is so long, I will continue this list in the days to follow!!!

1 comment:

Gered Lambert said...

I hope this isn't another 'smack', but we discovered our "lack of funds" wasn't due to what we made, but was more about what we SPENT!!!

Just a thought..

Happy Thanksgiving Matts!!!

Love ya'll