Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Day of Rest

I took today off after an insanely crazy last few days. I love my job and I wonder everyday why has God chosen me to do His work. With the extreme honor of working at HPC comes extreme fatigue from time to time. Thank you, Mike Haman, for giving me the day off!! I slept til 10:30am (only woke up thanks to loud neighbors- gotta love apartment living), ate lunch on my couch with my man, went shopping with my mom, and spruced up our place with a little spring decor. Right now I am watching my amazing hubby do some housework so I can relax. It's truly a wonderful life. I am so looking forward to going to "work" tomorrow. Everyone there is like family to me, and I miss them when I can't see them!

I heard that this weekend we set a record attendance (even more than last year at the River Center). Praise God for all the lives brought to Christ and His everlasting grace. Last night's concert with Vicki Beeching, Rebecca St. James, and Delirious was great. I think about 1500 people gathered to rock out and worship our incredible Savior. Jesus has been so good to us and I really don't deserve it, but I sure am grateful for it!

One more thing- Chris and I have gotten the chance to become friends with an awesome guy in our church, Eric Doucet. He and his family are completely sold out to doing whatever it takes to serve God and his people. Check out their blog here.

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