Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Little miracles along the way...

First miracle: My husband posted a blog yesterday. Isn't he so great?
Second miracle: Doug Musso got a blog.
Third and most important/ amazing miracle: A man walked in the office today and asked Stacey if anyone was taking a mission trip to Italy this year. Stacey told him about Late Nite's trip and told him I was going and that I am here... I go up there, talk to him for a couple minutes, and he writes me a check for $45. God is so random and so amazing and I love how He works! When I went back to tell Mike the good news, he said, "God is giving you the money in small increments so that you will see little miracles along the way... Signs and wonders follow those who believe."

I have been getting slightly impatient with the speed at which the funds have been coming in. I don't doubt that they will come, but I have to admit- I wanted them to come faster. Isn't it so cool that God sees my impatience and gives me little reminders along the way that He is still in charge and still faithful? I love the God that we serve- the One and only true God. If anyone doubts His existence, I dare them to ask me why I believe.