Friday, July 21, 2006


So, the praying and sacrifice has paid off... We got the apartment we have been hoping for! No, it's not an upstairs unit, but it is OURS and I am pumped!!! It's 2 bedroom, 2 bath (thank goodness) and it has the exact floorplan we wanted!!! I am going to move in late August, and obviously Chris will move in after the honeymoon.
This is such a testimony of God working. Just yesterday I called and they had nothing open for us, and I gave it all to God, and He orchestrated everything. We were originally going to buy, but through prayer and wise counsel, God gave us such a peace about renting here, and we know we are in His will. It's a beautiful feeling.
We are going to make so many wonderful and important memories in the first year of our marriage, and many will be right there in our first place. I cannot wait to see what the future holds!
Sounds cliche, but God is just SO good!!!!!!!!


Gered Lambert said...

That's good to hear fellas! Try to remember renting isn't throwing money away, it's having patience!

Brandi and I can testify that if you are good stewards of all He gives you, He will open the doors that need to be opened and close the ones that need to be closed.

It's usually too late to realize when people buy a house too soon that they don't have a house, but THE HOUSE HAS THEM!!

I think you guys did the right thing for the long run.

May God continue to Bless you guys!

Anonymous said...

How bout a big Woo WOOOOO for Meghan and Chris!

Anonymous said...

How bout a big woo WOOOO for Meghan and Chris!